The Art of Surrender with Eiman al Zaabi
Muslim spiritual teacher, author, and life coach Eiman Al Zaabi shares her spiritual journey from anxiety and panic attacks to a profound understanding of how to surrender to the Divine. Eiman shares strategies to achieve enlightened happiness and well-being.
Healing with Tapping and Dreaming with Dr. Larry Burk
Learn self-healing skills as an alternative to conventional medicine and discover how holistic methods can transform chronic pain into personal growth. Dr. Larry Burk, M.D., CEHP, and co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine, will introduce you to mind-body-spirit...
Anouska de Georgiou and Edinburgh House Sober Living
An estimated 4.5 million women have a substance abuse disorder, 3.5 million misuse prescription drugs, and 3.1 million regularly use illicit drugs. This costs more than 200,000 women their lives each year. Anouska de Georgiou is the director of Edinburgh House Sober...