How to Heal Yourself From Anxiety with Amy B. Scher
Anxiety is not “just fear” and it doesn’t come from out of the blue. Amy B. Scher discusses how to address the root of anxiety, change harmful beliefs, and release old emotional energy that holds you back.
Experience the Alchemy of Clutter Clearing with Denise Linn
Clutter-clearing is so much more than just cleaning or organizing. It can really heal and transform your life. Denise Linn shares how to identify the emotional roots of why you are hanging on to all this stuff and how to let it go once and for all.
Connecting With Those We’ve Lost With Christina Rasmussen
Are we capable of connecting to those who have passed on? Internationally recognized grief educator and author Christina Rasmussen talks about her groundbreaking exploration of life after death that combines cutting-edge science with spirituality. Join the show for...
12 Ways to Love Who You Are With Dinorah Nieves, Ph.D.
Dinorah Nieves, Ph.D., shares her unique program to help women and young girls untangle their limiting beliefs and fears. Dr. D offers practical steps to help live a more empowered life.